
HS Series High Temperature Salt

They are salt baths used in the austenitizing, cementation and tempering processes of steels and in the preheating process of high speed steels. ...

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NEUTROSAL Series High Temperature Salt

They are neutralizing salts used as rectifying agents to prevent decarburization. They are used with PETROFER - HS Series salts. ...

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AS Series Marquenching Salt

They are hot bath salts with and without nitride, used for hardening, bainite-transformation processes and tempering. They are also suitable for annealing aluminum alloys. ...

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GS Series Marquenching Salt

They are salts used in the hardening and tempering processes of high speed steels and tool steels. ...

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WAERMETRAEGERSALZ rubber vulcanization salt

They are nitrite and nitrite-free salt solutions used for continuous rubber vulcanization and other heat transfer processes. ...

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